Talia Shifron
Calendar Editor, the North Star
There is a bumper sticker that says, “God is too big to fit into any one religion.” All people praying in their own ways are needed in order to rejoice in God’s greatness. This idea celebrates how many different religions there are in America, and how much diversity this contributes to American society. Freedom of religion is one of the greatest gifts that the founders of America gave to the people of this country. The people of the United States are extremely lucky to live in a country where there is freedom of religion. This allows people to practice their beliefs openly without having to be afraid of being persecuted for their beliefs.
There are two important aspects of the first amendment’s stance on freedom of religion. First, the government cannot promote a particular religion and there must be a distinct separation between religion and state. Secondly, all citizens can openly practice any religion that they want as long as it doesn’t interfere with another person’s freedom or hurt anyone. This is so important because it allows for diversity among people. It allows people to grow and learn from each other and not be set in one particular way.
Throughout the generations, most countries have had an established state religion. People who did not agree to follow that particular religion were often kicked out of the country or killed. People were only as safe as the ruler of the time allowed them to be. People were either forced to believe in a religion that they might not have agreed with or forced to wander from country to country. This practice doesn’t honor God but rather forces people to conform to something they don’t believe in.
Many of the people who founded America were faced with religious persecution in England before they arrived in the United States. Therefore they were looking for some place to come to so they could practice the religion of their choice in freedom. Because of their commitment to religious freedom they were able to overcome obstacles and establish a country where there is religious freedom. To this day America’s greatness is partially because of our founders’ commitment to religious freedom.
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