Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Antwaun Cook Got His Game From Kevin Federline.

You remember when you were in high school and whether you are popular or not, there was a girl that was a senior that was dating a freshman. That freshman at one-time was dating a girl that was like popular or just that girl-next door to the freshman class but she was not really popular with the senior class. You would think when you got older that this only happen to people when they are in high school or in college. That regular guy just got her by luck of the Irish or she sees potential in him. I can never say that will it be success or failure because you never know how things turn out.

Well that case for Antuan Cook is just like that.

Fantasia Barrino has admitted she got pregnant by her married lover Antwaun Cook and had an abortion around the time of her failed suicide attempt, RadarOnline.com has exclusively learned.

The American Idol winner made the sensational confession in a North Carolina court on Monday during Cook’s divorce proceeding with his ex-wife Paula.

Facing questions before a Mecklenburg County Court judge, the famous singer, 26, was pressed on whether she knew Cook was living with Paula when they embarked on their illicit affair.

The Idol season three winner has acknowledged she dated Cook “off and on for about 11 months” but said she believed he had separated from his wife.

When I think on Antuan Cook, I really think of another guy by the name of Kevin Federline. We all know him as K-Fed. Now for those who lived under a rock through the 2000s, let me put you up to speed on Kevin Federline.

Kevin Federline broke up with his finacee, former Moesha co-star actress Shar Jackson to date and eventually marry pop star Britney Spears. Well short years and a couple children later, they were divorced. K-Fed made Britney Spears look like a train wreck (….and sometimes she did it to herself), got custody of the kids and made Britney look like a shell of herself.

Now you all are wondering “How is that dude connected to K-Fed?”

They both had small-time jobs – Even though Kevin Federline was a dancer, a dancer in the West Coast is equivalent to what Mr. Cook was doing working at a cell phone company.

They both were either married or close to marriage with children – Although Paula Cook haven’t had the mainstream attraction like Shar Jackson (Who don’t remember Neicey from Moesha?), they both have the same thing in common, big time stars took their man.

Both are literally “opportunist” – Love them or hate them for it. You cannot deny the fact that that both K-Fed and Antuan status rose to the roof after they started dating their new women.

Both are still “opportunist” – K-Fed milked his way into stardom for about 15 seconds and Antuan looks like he is going to do the same. Don’t you remember this….

……Yeah me neither.

…..And both endings will become the same – For some reason Fantasia used a publicity stunt for her new reality show almost commited suicide was a train wreck waiting to happen. Britney Spears train wreck was of epic portions. Who don’t remember the baby on the driver side knowing paparazzi is going to take pictures and the police is going to wonder that they made have to get child services on-call for you. The point is K-Fed and Antuan is going to look the same after that. high status opportunities on celebrity miscues.

What do you think about the relationship between Fantasia and Antuan Cook. Do you feel that this is for real, or just Antuan opportunity to stardom? Do you think Fantasia will have a meltdown like Britney did and lose a glimpse of her stardom like Britney did?

(Oh I little off and little on subject. Years ago I believe everybody said that Jennifer Hudson and David Otnuga was going to be train wreck, including me. I actually like the fact that their lifestyles (her as an actress, him as a wrestler) don't really collide and they are still doing the thing.)

Friday, September 24, 2010

No More Political E-mails

In September 23rd news, students at Grambling State University are now denied basic 1st Amendment Rights. More specifically, Grambling's president Frank Pogue e-mailed all students prohibiting political expression through its university e-mail system. GSU's justification? Because the university has an e-mail policy that forbids usage of university e-mail for spreading hate, inciting violence, and among other things, political beliefs.
I find it puzzling that malicious intentions like "spreading hate" and "inciting violence" get lumped together with expressing political beliefs. I can agree that freedom of speech doesn't extend to promoting violence, but having political opinion is a fundamental 1st Amendment right. If there's an election coming up, why shouldn't students be allowed to have an intelligent conversation about it?
As Marjorie Esman, the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana said, "'Grambling students have the right to make political statements, including those in support of political candidates.'"
I try to play devil's advocate, but it's hard to come up with a good reason for why students should be denied such a basic First Amendment right. It's not like these students are history professors or professional political analysts. Having a political opinion does not jeopardize the integrity of anything. Plus, these college students are already adults. They're at GSU to learn; why shouldn't they be allowed to express their political beliefs? In fact, they should be encouraged to share their political beliefs and to take an active role.
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education called on GSU to revise their restrictive policy on freedom of speech. Hopefully GSU realizes what the right thing to do is.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Kanye West Must Be Channeling the Smoking Ace

I honor Kanye West with his song “Runaway” last night at the VMA Awards because you would have thought he was trying to get his last word at Taylor Swift. Well he did get the Last Word. But when you think about Kanye, some of his songs actually have some type of meaning even when he does not mean it. So for today let’s give a toast to…….

“The douche bag”


Wakka Flocka Flame (Sorry, his name sounds something like Fozzy Bear from “Muppet Babies” spitting lame fire at someone)- for this antic.

I really didn’t know what to say, but any racist loves this for a N____ joke.

“The a__hole”

Petey PabloBringing a gun to the Airport on the 9th anniversary of September 11 is something that is more than saying “WTF.” Especially after thinking he dedicated a song after the attacks.

“The scumbag”

Floyd Mayweather- Unless you are in the heavyweight of the class or the old school De La Hoya, Trindad, Sugar Shane era, I pay attention to boxing just like I play attention to Latin Fury on pay-per-view, just don’t care too-much. So Floyd “Money” Mayweather does his rant on Manny “Pac-Man” Paciaqou, the word SMH isn’t just enough. I mean not only did he put African-American 10 years back, but give Caucasian-racist people enough ammo to say that we are just as worst as them.

“The jerk–s

The Mighty Congressional Black Caucus Saying that plans to attack the joblessness situation in black America at its legislative convention next week. The convention is set to be held from September 15 - 18 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. The goal of the organization is to have several sessions discussing the link between education and employment. I am really going to agree with most of the white people by saying this.

“Some of you politicians are life-long politician, so how come you are thinking about this now.”

As much as some of my fellow blogger would and would not agree with me, but seriously if black people have been saying this since the 70s and you still do not find a way. Why are you still in office. This is not the era of the Chuck-D “Fight the Power” movement, this is more of the “We trying to feed our family” era. So CBC if you hear my voice. Stop talking and start making progress. Trust me, your community will love you for it.

So let’s make a Toast.

So what douche bag, a__hole, scumbag, or Jerk__s you want to toast to?

Welcome Back Mr. Ace!!!!

Well I am back. After summer school , grades, promotion, new position, wedding plans (Yeah, The Queen of Hearts been said I do and ready to be in my 52 cards) and moving. I have been a busy man, but I am coming in with some new stuff after seeing some of the wildest things happen between July-September.

(…drop my bags)

“It’s good to be home.”

What did I miss?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

I will be out for a couple of weeks.

To all my math-heads, If you have taken Calculus II and a foreign teacher being your instructor, you know what I am talking about. I will be back in the hunt after I get these teacher under control.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Black Man Law No. 74: Black Men and Their Suits

Now whether it is business, a night out at an extravagant event, or just making a way to Sunday service. I like suits. So do women also. Do you know that women love how a suit is made on a man, especially a black man. I get compliments left and right. I even had one woman tell me. "You could have smell like S*&^ and I would still try to rip your clothes off because of that suit." (bear in mind I did not know how to take that one because that one was simply left field..... over the foul line left field. Even though people love suit. It is also the way you wear the suit. Let me break it down.

One Friday Night, I was at an Older Night Club and I saw three guys dressed up like this....

I also saw the same situation the following Saturday evening at a wedding reception and the following Sunday at a church that I go to occassionally. I just want to know. What are the rules of Black Men and Suits?

While thinking about this. I am chillin with three of my guest playing Spades today. They are the following

Everybody's favorite blogger, The Great AverageBro. You can follow him on averagebro.com

Everybody favorite comedic blogger. The Man They Call Leon. You can follow him on listentoleon.net.

...and Everybody favorite preacher. Rev. Uppity Negro. You can follow him at uppitynegronetwork.com.

Gentleman, What are thought about this? What are the rules of Black Men and Suits?

The Man They Call Leon - these are six general rules for Black Men(or
men in general) and Suits. Feel free to use 'em, and let me know when you
publish them with a link back to my site :)

Rule #1:
Pinstripes should not be TOO WIDE. If it looks like I can park a
car between the stripes in your suit, your shit is tacky.

Rule #2: Your suit jacket should have no more than three buttons.
Otherwise, you look like you borrowed your outfit from a '97
NFL Draft

Rule #3: Your suit should not be shiny. The only time this is marginally
acceptable is if you are onstage in somebody's singing group, or if you
have bitches on the stroll, selling their body for money. If you are not
an actual pimp or greasy R&B singer, leave the shiny suits alone.

Rule #4: Buy a suit that fits, or visit a tailor. Nobody looks cool in a
suit that looks like it belongs to your older brother. Likewise,
nut-huggers and jackets that are too tight to close looks just as
ridiculous, if not more so.

Rule #5: Avoid bright ass colors and gaudy patterns. Your suit should say
"I'm effortlessly stylish" as opposed to "LOOK AT ME! I WANT ATTENTION,

Rule #6: Dry-clean your suit from time to time. All the cologne and
bathing in the world won't help you if your suit smells like someone was
buried in it.

The Great AverageBro - I’m not exactly a fashion conscious dude myself, but I got some basic rules.

· No neon colors.

· Jacket shouldn’t reach your knees.

· More than 4 buttons is a no-no.

· Look at the side-eye from dude in the back with the white shirt on

· Funny as you might find this photo, reality is, this look does it for some women. These guys didn’t wear this sh*t to get props from us, they wore it for the *******! Some lady thinks this is a good look, whether we do or not.

Master Ace - Yeah, I always thought this was good for steppers when you matching with your lady. Other than that, I always thought this was something out the Playa's Ball Offical Gear with the new scent "Pimphand." Smell so good, it slaps your women for you.

Rev. Uppity Negro - The Friday after Father’s Day me and my mother took my dad to a blues club here in our neighborhood and there happened to be another birthday party that was there. And I saw older men, 50+ wearing FULL get ups. One guy had on a full Easter suit, another gentleman had on ALL yellow, and I mean ALL yellow. His baseball cap covered a perm—with a bump. And the husband or perhaps brother of the birthday girl wore a blue jean outfit styled like a 70s style leisure suit, with weird blue striped cuffs and collars. His hat was a tam styled out of denim and brimmed with the same awkward striped print.

These men all broke a myriad of fashion rules as far as I’m concerned. As a young man, I really am curious as to were these fashions ever in style in the first place! Honestly, someone thought it was a good idea to design these costumes, and clearly these men thought it was an even better idea to buy them. Seriously, some of these clown outfits go passed the standard fashion faux pas of owning a suit from the Steve Harvey or Michael Steel suit collection, and we’ve crossed into ghetto prom attire wear. These outfits seem only worthy of on display at HotGhettoMess.com or coming across the fashion tragedy years that were 1986 to approximately 1994 when people went to clubs and stood in front of drab cloth backdrops with a hodge podge of fashion no-nos.

The simplest rule of suit fashion for black men these days should be: if has more than three visible buttons don’t buy it. This immediately cancels out many of the bad suits in their entirety because they pride themselves on being extra and flamboyant and adding random flaps, vents and buttons. And even true contemporary suits are favoring a European cut with two buttons and slim fitting clothes. From there, here are my following rules for men and suits:

1. Don’t buy a suit and shoes of the same color. It’s tacky and it’s doing too much. I do NOT want to see your mustard colored suit with matching gators. All of the same color hurts my eyes and then makes me wonder what other weird colors you may own.

2. Don’t buy a suit just because it’s a different color of what you already own. Feel free to buy a different suit with a different cut and different styling from what you already own.

3. You closet shouldn’t look like a combination of Skittles flavors. Let me put this as plain as possible: gentlemen need a black, brown, gray and navy blue suit, any derivation from those colors, I seriously begin to question why you are buying suits in the first place.

4. Don’t try and buy a suit that your fashion-challenged pastor decided to buy. Look, black folk like to look good when we go to church and it’s a veritable fashion show at certain churches. Don’t try and buy a suit that “outdoes” another suit, you both come off as looking tacky and classless.

5. Don’t but a suit five sizes too big for “Lil’ Man” hoping he’s going to grow into it. I’m sick and damn tired of seeing mothers buy these suits for their sons that are CLEARLY too big for them, expecting that they’ll grow into it, and the son is already 16 years old. Even if he does grown, he’s not going to want that suit anymore.

6. Take the tag off the sleeve. If I see one more grown man running around with the little name brand tag still on the suit I’m going to scream. The tell tale sign of a good designer can be told from the cut of the suit from a distance, not because you can still read the tag of the name brand of the suit.

There’s also the issue of suit accessories that needs to be dealt with. There are certain cuts of collars on shirts and that needs to be addressed when purchasing ties as well. And while I’m on that subject, don’t buy shirts and ties that clash—while you’re trying to be fashion forward, it comes off as tacky. I don’t want you looking like a copy-cat version of Jamal Bryant who decided to wear a crush velvet number and God knows what shirt and tie combo he had on – or like the following:

Master Ace - whoa, what was that, rayon? Did he have on a rayon tie? Well my thing is this. My perspectives on suits are plain and simple. Two buttons and three buttons is very custom style for me. After three, I am thinking you are trying to make me look like Raggedy Andy. I am also a person that likes my suits tailored so my pants don’t look like you can see my wang print. If three buttons, the middle just needs to be button up or if it is two, you could either do the same or left over right like Prince Charles. For colors, I am a basic black or navy type person with maybe white shade-style pinstripes here and there. Those loud colors (red, yellow, money-green, blue, etc.) make you look like a clown or just stand-out like the heavyweight champion of pimps. Ties and shirt have to blend in or that jacket will have you looking like Tyrone Bigums from Chapelle Show. Oh and I am not getting caught looking like Craig Sager unless it is Halloween and I am playing Bishop Don Magic Juan in a HBO Special about his life. The only person that can get away with that for now is Don Cherry, the hockey commentator, and that is because I believe he just nuts anyway.


…..Just to think about, both of them are nuts for wearing those suits. Still, it is made for twitter and blogger punchlines.

So Let make this Black Man Law fellas.

Black Man's Law No. 74: Have a suit that fits you, Blend, do not coordinate (like Pops would say), Make sure your pinstripes are thin, no more than 4 button, and NO LOUD COLORS.

So for the classy ladies, if your man got a Steve Harvey Collection suit that look like he either worn in 1996, has those "Skittles" color going on, and everything is matching his outfit. Do us a favor, Save $100 or more and find him something that will make you want to tear him up. Their is a reason why some entertainers and young athletes wear stuff, because they can get away with it after doing something above the norm.

What are your thoughts on Black Men and the appropriate way to wear a suit?

Friday, July 9, 2010

The C.Y.N.I.C.A.L Side of: Percys

After all this Lebron hoopla and Oscar Grant injustice that swirm me for the past week, today I am going all left field on everybody and talk about a first name that really intrigues me in a funny way. The reason I don’t know why but it always makes me think of laughing or thinking about entertainment. I always said if I can change my name and make a stage name, the first name will always be Percy. Only thing I could think of is that name sounds like an entertainer that do James Brown moves, singing will emphasis, and have ladies throwing their panties. So to whatever no avail…. I bring to you famous Percys

Percy Jackson – In his movie “Percy Jackson & the Olympians,” he is the protagonist. He is good-natured, friendly, brave, and often willing to risk his life to save his friends, strangers, and even his enemies, has a sarcastic sense of humor, and dislike titles being given to him, as he always tells horses, which his father is said to have created, not to call him "boss" or "lord" whenever they talk to him. He also has a strong sense of loyalty and fairness. He is played by Logan Lerman. Honestly, I thought he was a guy that had a singing crew and come on stage doing some James Brown moves with four guys singing background and kills greek gods by after 2am in the morning. I also thought the character of Percy was played by Bradon Jackson, seriously.

Percy Sledge – Come to think about it, he look like Uncle Curtis from “House of Payne.” Well he can sing and women were throwing their panties at him in the 60s, so that goes with the stereotype of a Percy.

PercyWeasley.jpg Percy Weasley image by iluvHP1

Percy Weasley – He kills the stereotype Percy just with his last name alone. Plus he was in the Harry Potter movies. That did it for me.

Percy Watson – This guy is the perfect Percy. The name, the moniker, and everything just have my version of Percy written all over him. The WWE needed to stamp that name because he portray the Percy that I always thought except for the singing part. Plus I think if the WWE wasn’t so PG, ladies would be throwing their panties at him. Besides, dude really reminds me of a partied-up, sugar-jacking, bigger version of Steve Urkel.

Percy from “Talking Dirty After Dark” (Daryl Sivad) – I swear for a guy that had lame jokes and everything in this movies, that made him funny to me plus Deebo ready to pound him in for Deebo thinking he was messing with his woman. This Percy did not have panties thrown at him but he did catch a George Bush by Joe Torrey.

What name do have stereotypes of? Do you know any famous Percys?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

When Clarence Thomas Trasformed into Malcolm X

I know many brothers and sisters really and I mean really hate Clarence Thomas. After all, in the black community, he is known as everything that you do not want your children to be after succeeding. I put it like this. He is the guy that everybody said never stayed true to his principles and sided with others who thought was he should and should not have as African-Americans’ equal rights. Basically, he was the poster boy for After Civil Rights’ Uncle Tom.

….but today is still hard for me to say this “What Justice Thomas said was literally A GOOD POINT.”

He hardly ever speaks during oral arguments, often appearing asleep on the bench. But in his written opinion Monday supporting the right to bear arms, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas roared to life.

Referring to the disarming of blacks during the post-Reconstruction era, Thomas wrote: "It was the 'duty' of white citizen 'patrols to search negro houses and other suspected places for firearms.' If they found any firearms, the patrols were to take the offending slave or free black 'to the nearest justice of the peace' whereupon he would be 'severely punished.' " Never again, Thomas says.

In a scorcher of an opinion that reads like a mix of black history lesson and Black Panther Party manifesto, he goes on to say, "Militias such as the Ku Klux Klan, the Knights of the White Camellia, the White Brotherhood, the Pale Faces and the '76 Association spread terror among blacks. . . . The use of firearms for self-defense was often the only way black citizens could protect themselves from mob violence."

This was no muttering from an Uncle Tom, as many black people have accused him of being. His advocacy for black self-defense is straight from the heart of Malcolm X. He even cites the slave revolts led by Denmark Vesey and Nat Turner -- implying that white America has long wanted to take guns away from black people out of fear that they would seek revenge for centuries of racial oppression.

I can’t believe this came out of his mouth out of all people. I mean, this looks like it will come from people like Rev. Inc. (for those who don’t know that is Rev. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Shout out to Field Negro for that one.), or some black militant cat who works for the Black Panther Party. No, this came out of C.T. mouth. He has a good point on the 2nd amendment. Instead of calling him an Uncle Tom, we might need to be hearing the poster boy (well former to me, there are new Toms and Jemamas, such as Jesse Lee Peterson, that Manning dude, and Star Parker; who in my case don’t give a s^%* about their own race.) instead of listening to media and people who are going to take our Second Amendment Rights away from us. Think about it. I know that it is hard in the Chi with all these killings and everything, but just think for a second if they took the right to bear arms from ALL- AFRICAN AMERICANS. For the gangster who got the gun, it will be use to lock him up, but for just a normal-working African Americans who want to protect their, it is more of the fear that other militias (or domestic terrorist such as White Nationalists, who are protected by the NRA) can have us living in fear if we succeed or say something out the way, which is seriously inhumane.

I am glad Justice Thomas stood up on this not speaking as for one person, but for a race.

What do you think about Justice Clarence Thomas speaking up for African American about the Second Amendment?

In Clarence Thomas's gun rights opinion, race plays a major role

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Worst You Ever Had With "The Best You Ever Had."

Being a blogger, I like to read so many of other bloggers. It is like they are family to me. One of my favorite bloggers, is my man AverageBro (check him out if you have time. He has some of the most sense-worthy posts I have ever read). I always check out Average’s “Name That Sample” post because of my love for the digging in crates of old school music that I have checked out on a hit that either I recognized and at times never heard until he throws it in there. Today, he hipped me on three things, a top 10 hit that I haven’t heard in a while, the thought of the sample being a jump start to a Rapper career, and…………..

……the fact that some record companies still did not get the memo from MC Hammer and Rick James about jacking beats without paying royalties.

Canadian rapper Drake is being sued for copyright infringement by Playboy Enterprises over allegations that his breakout smash "Best I Ever Had" samples a '70s hit owned by the company.

In a lawsuit filed June 24, Playboy alleges that Drake's mixtape hit contains Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds' 1975 soft-rock tune, "Fallin' in Love."

The suit names Drake -- whose real name is Aubrey Drake Graham -- as well as Cash Money Records and Universal Music Group.

Okay the parties involved have a partially and full responsibility about this issue.

For Drake: He is the man with the name on the track, and he does not know better about people jacking beat without paying royalties. Just because you did a mixtape with 9th Wonder hitting a serious rendition sample of Anita Baker’s “Sweet Love,” does not mean you can just go all out and do it mainstream without permission. Still, when you are in the game, you should not follow the mistakes of other artist who started big. Examples include Robbie Van Winkle aka Vanilla Ice song “Ice Ice Baby” ties toward popular rock group Queen and their song “Under Pressure.”

For Cash Money Records: This is good example of cheating your way in the game can catch up to you. You can rob some people for royalties and sorts but not everybody. Brian “Baby” Williams have been cheating producers and original song artists for a long time. There are many producers who either complained, don’t want to deal with them, and are suing the record company for money.

For Universal Records: Plain and simple, they don’t care. People and sub-record companies like Drake and Cash Records are like buses, they come and go.

Track records about artists who have got caught sampling without permission and lost the settlement have not really came back from their career fiasco. Let’s hope Drake can learn a lesson from that.

What do you think about Drake getting sued by Playboy. Do you think Cash Money Recods was bullying their way in the industry and now just got a taste of their own medicine?

Playboy is suing Drake for copyright infringement. SMH!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Name Game

I will say this, the clip that I am about to show you sums up what I am about to explain in this story.

Now the young generation (born after 85s) will know Rick Ross as the hip-hop artist with such songs as “Hustlin,” “Push It,” “Maybach Music 1 and 2,” “Mafia Music,” and “Magnificent.” Everybody that was born before the 85 will know Rick Ross as “Freeway” Ricky Ross, the notorious drug trafficker who was famous for his Drug Empire and involvement with the Iran-Contra Affair in the mid-eighties which spawned the crack epicdemic. The major players included Lt. Col Oliver North, Panama’s former President Manuel Noriega, and the CIA at that time. The rapper Rick Ross was a correctional officer before he turned superstar rapper. Freeway Ricky Ross was a college student who got into the drug game and never looked back. The Rapper Rick Ross is not Rick Ross; it is William Roberts………..

……and that is where this clip goes to.

Don’t get me wrong to say that William Roberts went all Albert and transformed himself into MC Gusto because that is what he did. Freeway Ricky Ross could have turned Gusto on him. Instead, he wanted to do it the right way.

Since his release from a life sentence in federal prison May 4, 2009, Ricky D. Ross a/k/a “Rick Ross”, the ex-drug kingpin from LA, has been preparing to go to war against all parties who profited off of his name unlawfully while he was in jail, without his consent, particularly William L. Roberts II, Def Jam, Universal and others. As the above-named parties gear up to release the 4th “Roberts as RICK ROSS” album titled “Teflon Don”, a storm is brewing in the real “Rick Ross” camp against the anticipated album imminent summer release.

I don’t know a guy like that with major ties to the 30 year-game of the crack epidemic still may have some major players that know him as legendary. For him to do what he did was a safe warning for William Roberts aka Rick Ross. Come to think about, a guy like Ricky Ross has nothing to lose. I mean the following are thing he could have done:

He could have pulled a Little Walter asked him his name and shot him cold-blooded.

He could have just made him disappear without notice.

He could have ruined his life, his family life, his friends’ life, his kids’ life, and his grandkids life.

………………but that is why the judicial system is something else. I know that if he have a good lawyer he can call it "Identity Theft." It is the same thing as someone using your name to get a car.

What do think about stealing someone’s identity even if they are a former criminal just to make a name?

Rick Ross vs Rick Ross

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Sleeper of South Carolina

I don’t get South Carolina. All of their racial injustice in the past is close to those of my state of Mississippi. South Carolina has been in the news for the all the wrong reasons.

…..Sanford taking trips to Argentina to see a mistress. (Man with all those small towns in South Carolina, you could have flew her to an undisclosed location and pampered her in the States, bad player move.)

….The Joe Wilson “You lie” while the president is doing a speech. (I am sorry let a black person, let alone any person would have done that to the past 43 presidents, then you wouldn’t have to worry about next election. You would have been sweet-chinned down to president podium.)

….Bloggers banging candidates – Seriously, South Carolina have a real problem with infidelity, or it is just the politicians

…..People calling people derogatory names- Come on, it’s SOUTH Carolina. That is like saying “hey” in parts of the South.

…..Alvin Greene – A “Feel Good,” “ Underdog,” and “Rocky Balboa” story that is too good to be true, even with his own party.

So out of all this Black Republicans may have the person that could represent them (the reason I say that is because most (97%) think that most African Americans “which their skin color resembles” are everything negative). His name is Tim Scott.

(An Ace Afterthought: Is it me, or Tim Scott has literally no diversity on here. He could have at least found one or two people of a different race on this commercial. It looks like "Leave It To Beaver Just Met Mr. Tibbs.")

I don’t know who is Tim Scott is but guy actually reminds me of another black conservative that was in Congress. His name is J.C. Watts. Check out some of his views.

On Create Jobs:

As a small-business owner and entrepreneur, Tim understands that business prospers when government gets out of the way. Tim has never voted to increase taxes, because he believes that your hard-earned dollars belong in your pocket, and in our economy – not in a government spending program. He will take these values with him to Washington, and will never forget that his first priority is to protect and create good jobs.

Verdict: Pretty good.

On Healthcare Solutions

President Obama’s health care bill taxes too much, spends too much, is bad for our health care, and is unconstitutional. Tim Scott will fight against government takeover of health care.

Despite our problems, the U.S. healthcare system is the envy of the world. People come from all over the world to be trained in our medical schools, to be treated in our hospitals, and to benefit from our pharmaceutical products and medical devices. Let’s not lose what is good about our health care system.

Tim believes in targeted, common sense reforms that will make health care more affordable, reduce the number of uninsured Americans, and increase the quality of care at a price our country can afford. Medical decisions should be made by patients and their providers, not by Washington bureaucrats. Tim will fight to prevent insurance companies from interfering with the physician-patient relationship, eliminate unnecessary hassles and unfair payment practices, and fight for reimbursement decisions that are based on patient care, not on economics.

Verdict: So you think that not every American need some sort of healthcare…Not a good look, Tim

On Protecting Our Borders

Tim will make strict immigration reform a top priority in Congress. He will fight to remove the incentives, like health care and education, which attract illegal immigrants to our state. Tim will also make sure our state law enforcement agencies are given the proper training and tools they need to enforce immigration laws. Tim is committed to strengthening penalties for employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants.

We are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws. Tim will work to promote patriotic assimilation by making English the official language of government, and insist that new immigrants learn English.

Verdict: English as the official language is cool, but that Arizona thing you are losing cool points.

The rest is really something that I expect a republican to say. He never said anything about education which is red flag. The reason is that without education, all those issues are useless. the endorsement of Sarah Palin is another red flag (I guess she is post racial afterall.....who am I kidding? This woman will still call Mr. Scott the "n" word if he don't fall in line.) , but he does woo me over with the jobs situation.

My thing if he wins, He is going to have to balance his beliefs and others things. Good luck to you on that one Tim.

Do you think Tim Scott will hit one out the park for Black conservatives, or pull an Angela McGlowan and strike out bad? How do you see Tim Scott if he is a representative of the South Carolina 1st district?

Tim Scott for Congress

Monday, June 21, 2010

Louisiana Wants to "Power Up" on Lil Boosie

- My business is about the streets not in the streets.

Derek Luke - Notorious

I always said that Lil Boosie reminds of that young kid that you knew when they grew up he could make lemons out lemonade but also can either impact the state of anything just because you know he is going to tell it like it is, whether you like it or not. The conception about Boosie is that the while the cRapper artist is more like art imitating life or even life imitating art, Boosie was the real deal. Bossie was the reason that from the Southwest Mississippi to Baton Rouge, every little kid who love hip hop had something to represent for. Those little hip hop heads from that area in Mississippi didn’t care for David Banner because he did not relate to what was people talking about in day to day life. They were caring for Lil Boosie because he talked and walked the line of an everyday person in those areas where there is no hope but to act wild and be strapped.

….but that line is shown now how Lil Boosie has become public enemy No. 1 to the State of Lousiana.

In 2009, Torrance “Lil Boosie” Hatch was sentenced to 10 years in prison on gun and drug possession charges. He began serving that sentence at Dixon Correctional Institute(DCI) in Jackson, Louisiana. On Thursday, Boosie was indicted on a first-degree murder charge. He was transported from DCI to Louisiana State Police headquarters and thereafter, was booked into the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison. Boosie claimed his innocence as reporters asked him if he was involved in the murder for hire scheme of a Baton Rouge man. The rapper is accused of paying a man to kill 35-year old Terry Boyd, who was shot to death through a window while inside of his home at 16837 Vermillion Drive on October 21, 2009.

I know some people are thinking “Another rapper in jail,” and saying that all rapper are like that. The entertainment business is a mutha_____. It is funny that real hip hop artists are kept on silent (Lupe, Joe Budden, and Bun B) or was inside CB4 (Slick Rick). I have money that Lil Boosie is going to be like another Snoop, Tupac , Shyne, or C-Murder, either he is going to beat this out or be in jail and still rapping.

My money is…..you can the person out the hood…but you can’t take the hood out the person.

What do you think about Lil Boosie felony charge?

Rap recording artist 'Lil Boosie' is facing murder charge.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Miseducation of: VH1 Hip Hop Honors, "Dirty South"

The Smoking Ace is also a music living, crate diggin, hip-hop head and I love my region’s hip-hop music, The Dirty South. I recorded VH1 Hip Hop Honors, The Dirty South, but did not get to look at until yesterday. I can tell you this as a hip-hop head from the south that………

VH1 either really hates southern hip-hop or don’t know jack-s@#@ about the history of Southern hip-hop because while they got the whole concept wrong.

I can give you what they got right. Notably Luke Skywalker and the 2 Live Crew, JD, Master P, Trick Daddy, and Organized Noise. Scarface would have been honored also but I know why

Here is where the pure Sh@#$ery goes down.

You should have left it as "Vh1 Hip Hop Honors 2010" - Scarface said it best in his blog when talking about the reason he decided to not accept being honored on the show.

Why would you categorize us as “Dirty South”? Why can’t you just honor some muthafuckers from down here and leave it like that? You ain’t gotta make us look extra country. We know where we’re from and we know where you’re from. We know where Hip Hop came from, man. We’re cool with that. I’m proud to be from Houston but don’t make a mockery of my accomplishments. We’re not “dirty” down here in the South anyway. This shit down here probably cleaner than the rest of the country, cause we got grandmas down here. Our grandmas don’t play that shit.

Bonecrusher should have never been on there - He is the reason for the quote from an episode called “Soul” off of CBS Cold Case .

“Steal a little, you a thief. Steal a lot, then you’re the king” –Lt. John Stillman, Cold Case

Bonecrusher, whether he likes it or not, stole the hit “Never Scared” from Mississippi’s Rap Duo Reese and Bigelow.

Since when does Virginia become “The Dirty South” – Last time I checked, they have a region of their own. They call it the “D-M-V.” When VH1 start honoring the DMV, then I would honor Timbo. VH1, “The Dirty South” consist of the following: Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, and Tennessee. The Carolinas have their own region and Virginia is part of the DMV which is a region of its own. ……..and speaking of Tennessee.

A Dirty South honor without Memphis hip-hop, Are you serious? – Let’s back track for a history on Southern Hip Hop 101, J Prince did represent Texas, but a 16- year old entrepreneur named Tony Draper started a label, based off the West Coast Death Row Records, called Suave House. Suave House consist of legendary Memphis pioneers Eightball and MJG, South Circle, Crime Boss, and Tela. Although Outkast had the South on lock being that Atlanta became the new hot spot, Suave House had the whole South on lock along with Rap-A-Lot records and Jive’s UGK. Eightball and MJG’s “Coming Out Hard” is still a bonafide classic album in the south, “Lay It Down” was the South’s national anthem, Tela’s “Sho Nuff” is the Nupes national strolling athem, and everybody learn the game in their classic song “Pimps.” Speaking of Memphis hip-hop, how the executives leave out the ONLY hip-hop group with an Oscar, Three-Six-Mafia. They were the reason for Crunk music. Before crunk, Triple-Six had people fighting in the club for no apparent reason.

If we are going to represent VA, why not Carolina hip-hop? – Everybody was reppin North Carolina when Petey Pablo came out with “Raise Up.” Also the most educated hip-hop group since Boogie Down Production is Little Brother. They were so good, BET banned the song “Loving It” from the video list. Speaking of the Justus League, what about 9th Wonder? He has made major contributions to Hip-hop producing (HBCU stand up!!).

No Outkast, or Geto Boys are you really serious? - Those two are hand-in-hand the RUN- DMCs of the South. Without Outkast, there will be no Organize Noised honored and without the Geto Boys, Texas will still be heard just from the south. They were the trendsetters out of the South. Both groups change the game in rap music. The Geto Boys were changing it with their raw and edgy lyrics that made people cringed. The first time I heard “Assassin” I was amped up. I see why the Insane Crown Posse, the craziest group that walk on Earth, remade the song. The Geto Boys were the first to sample lines from Brian De Palma epic classic movie “Scarface.” Outkast, on the other hand were 2 kids that were lyrical geniuses and serious go-gettaz. They have done it all, with all respect in the South.

If you wanted Missy on their so bad to represent the female MCs from the South, why not Mia X, or even Gangsta Boo? - I give Missy her credit in her contribution to hip-hop, but as far as southern female MCs, those two brought fear to the heart of male MCs in the house and their independence songs showed. Come on, ladies in the house was still humming "Where Dem Dollars At?" till this day.

Seriously, How in the HELL you leave out DJ Screw as a Honoree? - Without DJ Screw, there will be no "Screwed and Chopped." Texas would be like any other hip-hop. That is what made Texas hip-hop so unique.

There are my rants and I am sticking to them.

How do you feel about VH1’s “Hip Hop Honors?” Where do you feel it missed the mark in Southern Hip-Hop?

Girls Generation - Korean